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Information on processing of personal data for customers

Dear Customer,
Sifar Group S.r.l. (Data Controller) would like to provide you with some information on the processing of your personal data.

1. Purposes (and legal basis of processing)

The personal data you provide and that obtained from your browsing of our Websites (example: identification data, contact data, access logs to the site) will be used for the purposes of:
a) providing the service of registration on the Website and the related services, preliminary to the stipulation of sales agreements, to process them up and to protect the resulting credit positions (implementation of the agreement between the parties and pre-contractual measures at the request of the interested parties);
b) fulfilling operating, management, administrative and accounting requirements, including the possible transmission by email of trade invoices (in fulfilment of legal obligations, in particular having regard to tax);
c) allowing access to and browsing on the Websites, to monitor their functioning and to ascertain any liability in case of unlawful acts (in the lawful interest of Sifar Group S.r.l.);
d) conducting marketing, commercial information and promotional activities, including the sending of newsletters and advertising material, via e-mail or even through messaging applications and/or banners or advertising pop-ups within the customer are of the site (on the basis of on the basis of the legitimate interest of the Sifar Group);
e) carry out checks on customers (including those relating to creditworthiness) by collecting information from public and private registers and archives, which are also processed by third party partners or suppliers (in execution of the contract or legal obligations and in any case on the basis of the legitimate interest of the Data Controller to know its customer and prevent fraud or credit situations).

The provision of data for the contractual purposes referred to in points a) and b) is compulsory (in its absence it is not possible to process the sales agreement or provide of the relevant services).

The legitimate interest referred to in point c) is to ensure the proper functioning and security of our websites, to protect our systems and networks against misuse, to prevent fraud and to ensure information security.

For the purposes referred to in point d), it will be possible to oppose at any time, as provided for in art. 4 of this policy.


In our website we use own and third-party cookies' to streamline navigation in the website, recommend products, visualize contents, including publicity, personalized and in accordance to your own interests. If you need further information, consult our Privacy Policy.

3. Communication of data - Transfer of data abroad

Personal data collected may be communicated, according to specific competences, to public administrations, for the fulfilment of institutional functions, to banking institutions, to parties specialising in the management of information systems and/or of payment systems, to subjects specialized in the service of IBAN check, insurance companies and credit intermediaries, to parties providing the goods and services sold by Sifar Group, to other Esprinet Group companies, to parties providing transport or delivery services, to parties used by Sifar Group S.r.l. to carry out promotional, advertising, marketing and communications activities, to law firms and consultants, to parties responsible for keeping accounts or auditing the Company's financial statements or to public authorities in compliance with the legislation. Depending on the case, these subjects will be qualified as independent Data Controllers or as Data Processors pursuant to Article 28 of the GDPR and in the latter case they will receive formal authorization and instructions on the processing of data.

Personal data shall not be communicated under any circumstances to third parties, except for the cases specified above.

Within the limits strictly necessary for implementation of the contractual relations, your personal data may be communicated to third parties, such as by way of example, providers of products and/or services who may be located in or outside the European Union. The possible transfer of data outside the-EU is regulated by specific agreements that require the recipient to comply with the appropriate guarantees provided for by current legislation.

4. General matters

The processing of your personal data may consist, in addition to their collection, in their recording, storage, modification, communication, cancellation in automated or semi-automated form and data may be stored in paper and/or electronic/electronic/informatics/optical form.

All personal data processed by Sifar Group S.r.l. are protected by adequate security measures, as provided for by current legislation and for the time strictly necessary to fulfil the purposes referred to in point 1.

For the purposes referred to in points a), b) and e) your data will be kept for the period provided by law.

For the purposes referred to in point c) the data will be kept until the termination of the contractual relationship.
For the purposes referred to in point d), the data will be stored until the contractual relationship is interrupted or until the right to oppose to processing is exercised.

Pursuant to art. 15 of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) Regulation (EU) 2016/679, we recall that you have the right to request Sifar Group Srl for access to your personal data, the opposition to processing, their rectification or deletion (where applicable) or limitation of their processing. You are also entitled to revoke the authorisation to process the data to which you consented, to request the portability of your data or to lodge a complaint with the Data Protection Authority.

All the rights summarised above may be exercised by writing to the address
We will respond promptly.

The Data Controller is Sifar group Srl, in the person of its pro tempore legal representative, with registered office at Piazza della Conciliazione, 5 - 20123 Milano - Italy.

Sifar Group S.r.l. can be contacted at all times for clarification at the following email address:

5. Updating the information

This information is published in the Data Controller's Customer Area in the User Profile section. Any updates to the document will be published in the same section that we suggest you consult regularly.